( 9年級 )
此教學活動設計的目的希望幫助學生了解資訊科技在過去和現在是如何影響人類的生活並想像未來A I時代的生活樣貌,藉此反思科技帶來便利的同時也可能帶來那些衝擊。接著,透過NIM MAN遊戲、專題實作模擬機械學習的實作體驗,了解電腦如何利用除錯偵查學習玩遊戲,並愈來愈強大,藉此引申鼓舞學生積極面對挫折並迎接挑戰的能力。
透過課程設計引導學生明白2030年聯合國提出之全球永續目標SDGs的重要性,並以國際移工的人權議題引發學生同理心、關懷與尊重,主動做出符合SDGs10 Reduced Inequalities、SDGs16 Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions的公民行動。
The term “installation” is often heard or mentioned in our daily life, but do we truly know what installation art means? Might we misunderstand it? Installation art is just one of the art genres nowadays. With the various viewpoints in the twenty-first century, the manner of making artwork is changing, so the way of perceiving it may change, too. Through the unit, we introduce brief western art history from traditional art forms to modern art to know the background of the development of contemporary art and try to classify various genres of art. Finally, I hope the students can realize the values of contemporary art in our society by using daily objects to create their works.
學生在 7、8 年級已經學過線段的中線、中垂線,以及角的角平分線的此規作圖。本單元所介紹的三角形的外心、內心與重心,即分別是利用三角形三邊的中垂線、角的角平分線以及三邊的中線所繪製而成。教師藉由複習過去舊有的經驗讓學生更加了解三角形三心的定義和特性,並且使用線上的學習資源和教室的智慧電視,讓學生實際看到三角形的線段和角度變化而更加了解三角形的